Dr. Emanuela Reale political scientist is senior Researcher at CERIS – CNR. She has been scientific responsible in many international projects on science and technology policy. From 2004 to 2009, she was Team Leader of CNR CERIS in Network of Excellence PRIME – VI EC Framework Programme, and Member of the Executive Committee of the Network. She was Principal investigator in research projects on higher education (Projects TRUE ESF-EUROCORE, PREST-ENCE ANR, France), research evaluation and indicators (Coordinator of JOREP Project, EC VII EUFP). Presently she is partner in the POCARIM Project – Mapping population careers, mobilities and impacts of advanced research degree graduates in the social sciences and humanities (VII EUFP), and in the RISIS-Research Infrastructures for the assessment of science technology and innovation policy Project (VII EUFP).
From 1998 to 2009 she acted as expert of Research Evaluation for the National Committee for the Evaluation of Research (CIVR). Presently she cooperates as an Expert with the ANVUR-Italian Agency for the evaluation of university and research. She was Vice President of the Italian Evaluation Association-AIV in 2009-2013; she is Member of the AIV Scientific Editorial Committee, Vice President of the European Forum for Studies on Policies for Research and Innovation-EU-SPRI, and Member of the executive board of the ENID European STI Indicators Conference Series.
She published and served as referee in several international journals and books.
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